Общепринятые сокращения в английском языке с транскрипцией и переводом

Для начинающих изучать английский язык всегда возникают трудности с переводом сокращений.

Раньше такие сокращения встречались преимущественно в разговорной речи, теперь их можно увидеть даже в учебнике английского языка.

aren’t [ɑːnt] are not
can’t [kɑːnt] cannot
couldn’t [kudnt] could not
didn’t [dıdnt] did not
doesn’t [dʌznt] does not
don’t [dount] do not
hadn’t [hædnt] had not
haven’t [hævnt] have not
hasn’t [hæznt] has not
he’d [hı:d] he had/ should / would
he’ll [hı:l] he will
he’s [hı:z] he is / has
here's [hıəz] here is / has
I’d [aıd] I had / should / would
I’ll [aıl] I shall / will
I’m [aım] I am
I’ve [aıv] I have
isn’t [ıznt] is not
it’ll [ıtl] it will
it’s [ıts] it is / has
let’s [lets] let us
mayn’t [meınt] may not
mightn’t [maıtnt] might not
mustn’t [mʌsnt] must not
shan’t [ʃɑːnt] shall not
she’d [ʃı:d] she had / should / would
she’ll [ʃı:l] she will
she’s [ʃı:z] she is / has
shouldn’t [ʃudnt] should not
that’ll [ðætl] that will
that’s [ðæts] that is
there’s [ðəz] there is / has
they’d [ðeıd] they had / should / would
they’ll [ðeıl] they will
they’re [ðeə] they are
they’ve [ðeıv] they have
wasn’t [wɔznt] was not
we’d [wı:d] we had / should / would
we’ll [wı:l] we shall / will
we’re [wıə] we are
weren’t [wə:nt] were not
we’ve [wı:v] we have
what’s [wɔts] what is
won’t [wount] will not
wouldn’t [wudnt] would not
you’d [ju:d] you had / should / would
you’ll [ju:l] you will
you’re [juə] you are
you’ve [ju:v] you have

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